
Hybrid fridge

This project was created during my bachelor degree, the task was to design a product that will utilize an existing wasted energy.

THE CONCEPT: A hybrid fridge that will redirect its Excess heat for warming or defrosting food.

Before I started the design process, I had to learn a bit more about how refrigerators work, and why the hell they’re getting this hot...

Apparently, our refrigerators are emitting heat, because of the heat pump that they hold. That pump main function is to transfer heat from the inside of the fridge to its external environment, so that the inside will be cooled to a temperature below the ambient temperature of the room.

Next stage was sketching some configuration concepts. The fridge new function required it to have a new cell as well.

During my bachelor, I often found it easier to design projects, as if they were for a specific brand or a company. As for this project I chose General Electric.

I called this fridge CLIMO.

Climo's name and logo are about combining two opposites into a new hybrid product.


climo project image3.png


Different optional design concepts

Different optional design concepts

Physical 1:6 3D printed model

Physical 1:6 3D printed model